Our Senior Profile for UF Geography today features GeoGator Ian Halle
What are your plans for after graduation?
I have already begun working at an education technology company that goes by the name of Nearpod. I have interned there before and was able to get a full-time job as well.
What is your best memory from UF Geography?
My best memory from UF Geography is taking People and Plagues (GEO3454) with Dr. Hamerlinck. I highly recommend that class.
In what ways do you feel Geography has prepared you for what’s ahead?
I feel like I was well equiped to use or learn how to use most, if not any, occupational technology or software
Funnest memory at UF?
Getting lost in the nature paths around campus.
Favorite Geography class?
Hardest Geography class?
Words of wisdom to students still at UF and in the undergraduate program
Never be afraid to experiment. You’ll learn what you love through experience.
One thing you wish you had done more of/taken a risk on/engaged with more during your time at UF when you now look back on your time here?
I wish I was more involved in clubs and university groups. I never joined any hispanic or entrepreneurship related clubs.
UF Geography wishes Ian and all our graduating seniors all the best as they embark on their next journey. Congratulations from all our GeoGator family and please be sure to stay in touch! #Geogators, #UFGEOG, #CLASGrads2020