Our Senior Profile for UF Geography today features GeoGator Naomi Loveridge
Future Plans:
After graduation, I plan to stay in Gainesville and work for a mapping and surveying firm as I have been offered a full time position to as an entry level GIS analyst. Currently, I don’t know my start date, but I know for so many of my fellow graduates these are very difficult times to be starting a career. I’m grateful that I have a job opportunity and thank the Geography department for helping me prepare for the next step.
What is your favorite thing from your time at UF?
The opportunities I have had to take such a diverse range of courses with so many incredible professors
What was your favorite Geography class?
Foundations of GIS
What is your favorite Geography memory?
The first Geography course I took with Dr. Southworth during my first semester at UF and the lasting impression it had on me, which in turn, lead me to get a B.A in Geography.
In what ways has Geography prepared you for your next steps?
As I pursue a career in GIS, I must thank all the professors I have taken geospatial courses with as it would not have been possible for me to begin a career in this field without their knowledge and guidance.
What would your ideal job be?
Ideally, I want to obtain more GIS skills through work experience. In the near future I am highly considering to apply to grad school to go for Master’s in either Geography or Urban and Regional Planning.
What will you miss most about Gainesville/UF?
My professors
What will you miss least about Gainesville/UF?
Campus rush hour!
What well wishes or words of wisdom would you like to share with your classmates and fellow students?
Congratulations to all my fellow grads! As all of you can probably relate, I never imagined that I would be graduating college during a global pandemic. But for what it’s worth, I think this shows that we are strong and determined students as we completed our degrees during a turbulent period in time. I wish you all the best of luck on your future endeavors. We will get through this!
UF Geography wishes Naomi and all our graduating seniors all the best as they embark on their next journey. Congratulations from all our GeoGator family and please be sure to stay in touch! #Geogators, #UFGEOG, #CLASGrads2020