Our Senior Profile for UF Geography today features GeoGator Heidi Dodds
Future Plans:
I was planning to begin applying to companies when the pandemic began so my ability to get a career started has been delayed. I have been sending my information out and making sure companies have my information once things get up and running again.
What is your favorite thing from your time at UF?
The people I have met while studying at UF will always be my favorite part of my college career.
What was your favorite Geography class?
My favorite Geography class was Peoples & Plagues. This was the only class I ever truly felt like a college student. The discussions were productive and useful and the content was truly interesting and has ended up keeping me a bit calmer during this pandemic as I understand the value of staying at home. Of course, the course was only so amazing because of Dr. Hamerlincks ability to teach such complicated and detailed topics.
What is your favorite Geography memory?
Working on maps in the Marston basement for hours on end.
In what ways has Geography prepared you for your next steps?
Being a Geography major has shown me that there are always more layers and effects to everything. There are so many interactions around the world, war, sports, and migration, just to name a few. All these things bring changes to cultures and begin to change the physical environment as well.
What would your ideal job be?
My goal is to help people fix things and make sure I am where I am most useful. I do not know what my ideal job would be.
What will you miss most about Gainesville/UF?
I will miss having so many people around all the time.
What will you miss least about Gainesville/UF?
The traffic at 4:30pm on Archer.
What well wishes or words of wisdom would you like to share with your classmates and fellow students?
The maps are fun if you make them fun. Also the Marston Basement computers run ArcGIS and ArcMaps really well and don’t crash usually. 9/10 recommend.
UF Geography wishes Heidi and all our graduating seniors all the best as they embark on their next journey. Congratulations from all our GeoGator family and please be sure to stay in touch! #Geogators, #UFGEOG, #CLASGrads2020