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Graduating Senior Amy Jones

Our Senior Profile for UF Geography today features GeoGator Amy Jones

Future Plans:
I am taking a year or two off in order to gain experience/ skills in the workplace before applying to graduate school. I am interested in pursuing a career in fields such as public health, epidemiology, or forensic anthropology (my other major). The pandemic has kind of halted any post-grad plans I’ve been making due to massive levels of uncertainty. Therefore I don’t have any specific jobs or internships lined up as of right now, but I am considering multiple opportunities for gaining experience, from working as an EMT to volunteering for the Peace Corps.

What is your favorite thing from your time at UF?
I’ve loved getting a chance to explore my many passions, and meet so many amazing, dedicated, awesome people.

What was your favorite Geography class?
I absolutely adored Peoples and Plagues with Sadie Ryan, but Global Patterns of STIs with Gabriela Hamerlinck this semester was the highlight of my pandemic experience

What is your favorite Geography memory?
I once spent three solid days in Library West working on my final GIS project for GIS3043. The sense of accomplishment when I finished and had a complete poster to present was so satisfying.

In what ways has Geography prepared you for your next steps?
Geography has definitely given me a wider perspective of the world than before. Looking at problems from a spatial perspective is key to linking causes to effects. The environment we live in affects us in many ways, and the health of our planet is so vitally important to the health of the human race.

What would your ideal job be?
What is your goal? My ideal job would be either working as an epidemiologist with the CDC, or a forensic anthropologist with a federal agency. My ultimate career goal is to be able to make a difference and truly contribute to society.

What will you miss most about Gainesville/UF?
The people and places I’m leaving behind. After four years you’d think I’d be tired of it all, but really I’m only just now scratching the surface of what a great city and university it is.

What will you miss least about Gainesville/UF?
Definitely the heat and humidity. I can’t wait to move to a place with actual seasons!

What well wishes or words of wisdom would you like to share with your classmates and fellow students?
Get involved early. I waited a little too long to really get involved in departmental activities, and it’s one of my greatest regrets.

UF Geography wishes Amy and all our graduating seniors all the best as they embark on their next journey. Congratulations from all our GeoGator family and please be sure to stay in touch! #Geogators, #UFGEOG, #CLASGrads2020