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Graduating Senior Liam Sargent

As we approach the end of the semester we are starting to feature our Graduating Seniors. Here we will feature a different graduating senior’s profile. We asked all our graduating seniors a series of questions about future plans, their time here at UF and in UF Geography specifically. We also asked for a current photo and if possible, a baby shot too – to show us where they have come from in their UF journey!

So here goes with Liam Sargent.

Future plans?
My post college plans are to attend either UF or UGA for a Master’s in landscape architecture! I have been accepted to both but have yet to a make a decision on either one since they’re both great programs.

What is your favorite think from your time at UF?
My favorite thing at UF has got to have been my time spent on the rowing team. Unfortunately our last season was canceled but I was coming on 4 years of rowing and I enjoyed every minute of it!

What was your favorite Geography class?
My favorite geography class would have to be Maps and Graphs with Professor Anwar. That is what kicked off my desire to involve a lot more creative processes to my work and led to my eventual desire to continue my studies into Landscape Architecture.

What is your favorite Geography memory?
My favorite geography memory is working with Dr. Ash doing research on the impacts of visual presentations and tornado warnings. I had never been a part of an ongoing research team before and it was honestly a blast. Getting to use my knowledge of GIS and apply it to something as interesting as tornadoes was something I’ll likely carry with me for a while.

In what ways has Geography prepared you for your next steps?
I would say the biggest thing that geography has done for my future has been to prepare me to be a fluid and well rounded student. I think that I’m leaving my undergraduate studies more understanding and flexible than a number of my other peers. It taught me to look at data analytically but also understand the psychology behind a good presentation. It showed me that maps are more than just places on the earth and that each and every point of data is someone or something and that knowledge, when presented correctly, is invaluable.

What would your ideal job be? What is your goal?
My ideal job is to be working as an urban designer or professional landscape architect. I plan to combine my focus of geography and planning with the creativity and design aspects of landscape architecture. I want to create spaces that are equally accessible to everyone and anyone both in a sustainable an workable fashion.

What will you miss most about Gainesville/UF?
I think what I’ll miss most about UF is the geography lab. I know it’s not that wild but I always felt a nice little bit of recognition knowing that I had “earned” the ability to work in the lab. Being a geography major in CLAS you see a lot of stuff from medical labs or special libraries or studio desks and I think that the lab was that for me. It gave me something that I felt that not a lot of people had and I think that’s why it was so special to me.

What will you miss least about Gainesville/UF?
I think what I’ll miss the least about UF is discussion posts. I don’t have a good reason but man do I hate those.

What well wishes or words of wisdom would you like to share with your classmates and fellow students?
For my fellow students, I would definitely say that don’t let anyone define what you’ve done or what you’ll do. Geography in all seriousness is an important and groundbreaking major, and I know that every bit of work that comes out of the alumni and graduates of this program will be impactful. Teach those who don’t understand what it is what we do, spread the good word! We always need more geographers in the world 🙂

UF Geography wishes Liam and all our graduating seniors all the best as they embark on their next journey. Congratulations from all our GeoGator family and please be sure to stay in touch! #Geogators#UFGEOG#CLASGrads2020