Departmental Research Talk: Leviathan, Lilliputian, or Both? Amazonian Transformation and Governance Challenges for the Coming Decade
Speaker: Dr. Eduardo S. Brondizio
Professor, Department of Antropology, Indiana University
Director, Center for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Landscapes (CASEL)
Board member, Ostrom Workshop
Wednesday, 15 March, 2017
4:00-5:00 PM
Turlington Hall 3012
University of Florida
The Amazon is emblematic of regional manifestations of the twin forces of globalization and global climate change. Building from empirical research carried out in the region during the last 3 decades, I propose an interpretation of the transformation of the region from a grounded complex system perspective.
Brondizio has served on numerous international scientific bodies including the Science Committee of the Future Earth program and the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP). Brondizio has 3 decades of research on human-environment interaction in the Amazon, and contributions to regional and global assessments. He is currently co-chair of the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Inter-governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Brondizio is co-Editor-in-Chief of Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability.
All are welcome to attend.