The Dunkle Award was established to honor the long time service and devotion of professor and
scholar, Dr. John R. Dunkle, to the Department of Geography at the University
of Florida. This award is given annually to the most distinguished
undergraduate student majoring in Geography who shows sustained academic
excellence, involvement in departmental activities, leadership and strong
promise for graduate study. An award of $1000 goes with this recognition. The
2014 recipient of the Dunkle Award is Geography graduating senior Jessy Van
Horn. Jessy is an outstanding student who has helped fellow students in
quantitative methods, has been very active with Gamma Theta Upsilon and the
Geography Club (helping them become a 2013 Honors Chapter), and many other service
activities. She is currently working as a research assistant on an NSF project,
volunteered to as! sist a Fulbright Scholar from Albania with GIS, and is
planning to attend graduate school in Geography at East Carolina University,
focusing on geomorphology. Congratulations to Jessy and thanks to our generous
alumni and other donors for supporting this fund and the department.