During the week of February 2, Dr. Matyas travelled to Atlanta, GA for the 94th Annual Meeting of
the American Meteorological Society. She spoke with current AAG president and
fellow climatologist Dr. Julie Winkler inside the exhibition hall at the AAG booth
(pictured above). Accompanying Dr. Matyas were five PhD students and three
undergraduate students from the Department of Geography. Dr. Matyas also
connected with Dr. Marshall Shepherd, president of the AMS and 2012 Department
of Geography Anderson Scholar. More information on the research that Dr. Matyas
and students presented at the conference can be found on the http://hurricane.geog.ufl.edu website.
Travel to this conference was sponsored by a grant from the National Science
Foundation BCS1053864.
Website link: https://ams.confex.com/ams/94Annual/webprogram/meeting.html