Dr. James Elsner is the Earl & Sophia Shaw Endowed Chair in Geography at Florida State
University. He will give a guest lecture on hurricanes in MET4532/MET6530 on September
25 and present his tornado-related research during Colloquium on September 26,
2013. He has co-authored three books and over 115 journal articles on hurricane
climatology, risks, and damage costs, spatial statistics, and spatial modeling.
He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1988 and
has been a faculty member at FSU since 1990. His research has been funded by
NOAA, NSF, NCAR, FDOT, Department of Defense, and other agencies totaling more
than $3.5 million. His visit and meals with students and faculty will be funded
by Dr. Matyas’ CAREER Award BCS1053864: Geospatial Modeling of Tropical
Cyclones to Improve the Understanding of Rainfall Patterns.
Website: https://geography.fsu.edu/people/james-elsner/
For more information, contact Corene Matyas at: matyas@ufl.edu