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Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine Rift

DOWHANIUK, GOLDMAN, RYAN – Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine Rift Jonathan Salerno, Colin A. Chapman, Jeremy E. Diem, Nicholas Dowhaniuk, Abraham Goldman, Catrina A. MacKenzie, Patrick Aria Omeja, Michael W. Palace, Rafael Reyna-Hurtado, Sadie J. Ryan, Joel Hartter Article first published online: 14 NOV 2017 Regional […]

Household level influences on fragmentation in an African park landscape

RYAN, SOUTHWORTH, HARTTER – The process of landscape fragmentation outside park borders occurs through the actions of people living near the boundaries. In the Kibale National Park landscape in Uganda Authors: Dr. Sadie Ryan, Dr. Jane Southworth, Dr. Joel Hartter, Nicholas Dowhaniuk, Rebecca Fuda and Dr. Jeremy Diem. Publication information: Applied Geography 2015, Vol. 58 pp. […]