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Conservation in the maelstrom of COVID-19 – a call to action to solve the challenges, exploit opportunities and prepare for the next pandemic

Image courtesy Animal Conservation

RYANConservation in the maelstrom of COVID-19 – a call to action to solve the challenges, exploit opportunities and prepare for the next pandemic

K.L. Evans J.G. Ewen G. Guillera-Arroita J.A. Johnson V. Penteriani S.J. Ryan R. Sollmann I.J. Gordon

Article first published online: 05 MAY 2020 Animal Conservation

DOI: 10.1111/acv.12601

ABSTRACT: As we sit in the vortex of the Covid-19 outbreak, individual energies are focused on staying safe and juggling the personal, social and financial impacts of the pandemic and political responses to it. These impacts are profoundly re-shaping our lives, with many commentators suggesting that ‘normality’ will be permanently redefined for all sectors of society. The future is not clear because the maelstrom is so intense that it is unlikely that the dust will settle any time soon. This pandemic will be one of the major game changers for humanity in the 21st Century. The conservation impacts are set to be huge, and this is an understatement.

Read the full publication at Animal Conservation.