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Geography Colloquium: LAGOS-US – Leveraging open science, ecoinformatics, and geography to build research capacity for national-scale environmental research

Speaker: Dr. Patricia A. Soranno

Professor, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Michigan State University

Thursday, October 15, 2020

2:50-3:50 PM (Period 8)

Zoom, livestreamed on YouTube

University of Florida

All are welcome to attend.

Ecosystems across the globe are being subject to unprecedented rates of change in climate, fire, and land use; and, there is increasing evidence that similar ecosystems do not respond similarly to these important drivers. However, to be able to predict ecosystem response to past or future changes across the globe, or even nationally, we need to better understand the local and regional factors that determine why some ecosystems respond differently than others. This understanding will require documenting the full range of spatial and temporal variation in ecosystems at broad spatial extents. In this talk, I will talk about our effort to create a research platform, LAGOS-US, to study freshwaters at these important scales to make predictions of ecosystem change in all water bodies at continental scales.

Dr. Soranno is a Professor in the Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife at Michigan State University. Her B.S. was in Biology from the Univ. Notre Dame and her M.S. and PhD were from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her research focuses on macrosystems ecology of freshwaters, data-intensive research in ecology, and strategies that promote inclusive research in large science teams.

For more information, email Dr. Mike Binford at